The deed is done. As soon as I arrived home I crossed my fingers and opened my bags. And there it was, ladies and gents, my beloved Saucisson Sec, alive and well, having survived, unscathed, its treacherous voyage from Paris to Seattle. Yipee!
The skinny one came from Panzer, my favorite kosher deli in the Marais. The other one, Le Saucisson du Marché (Recette Artisanale, Aux Noisettes, Pur Porc)--my favorite brand of Saucisson Sec--was purchased on Sunday at Fauchon, on my way to Place De Vosges (I bought breakfast pastries there to take to the park for myself and a few too hungry pigeons). It was also available, however, at a few other of the charcuteries I visit while in the city.
This one happens to have hazelnut in it but the plain one is also fantastic (I nibbled on it throught the week at night, in my hotel room) as are all the other flavors I've tried. It is so fragrant, it has infused my kitchen with its delicious aroma. I am having a hard time not eating it in one seating, all by my lonesome. :-)
I have yet to unpack the rest of the Paris and London loot but the sight of these beauties alone has made my day, week, and month.