It has been a couple very fun but hectic weeks around here. After a short holiday to Cannon Beach the next few days are only going to get wackier what with a full work week ahead, three concerts on three consecutive nights, relatives arriving Thursday from Los Angeles for an extended weekend in the city and a swanky party on Friday.
I had thought about making a sort of Trifle with layers of homebaked Friand, Ricotta, cut up California strawberries--definitely not my favorites but the only ones available now until the lovely Skagit strawberries arrive at the market-- and a topping of grated white chocolate (a substance I normally eschew). In the end I opted for an even simpler option: no baking and hardly any assembling at all.
With the exception of the white chocolate and strawberries, I purchased the Friand and Amandine (layers of just baked puf pastry filled with alond cream and topped with sliced roasted almonds) when I went to Pike Place early this morning to shop for breakfast.
That being said, I present to you a deconstructed Paper Chef entry...just for kicks.
- Fresh strawberries garnished with grated white chocolate (South African Cadbury's Dream)
- The freshest Amandine, purchased early this morning at Le Panier at the Market.
- Almondy and moist Friand, also from Le Panier.
- In lieu of Ricotta--which I normally have no use for outside of pizza or lasagna--I opted for a serving of the very tangy, creamy and thick homemade yogurt I whipped up last Thursday.
The only element missing is a rather largish cup of café au lait that washed down the almondy sweetness of this very lovely breakfast.